Weekly Menu
Week Starting Dec. 21 Day Breakfast/Lunch M test T test W test Th test Fr test . . .

Student of the Month
Gwen Lamb was awarded the Osage Co. Anti-Drug Community Action Team Student of the Month for November 2018. Gwen will be featured in an upcoming edition of the UD newspaper. The criteria for selection is as . . .

New Stage Curtains
The gym curtains were replaced on Monday, August 20th. The new curtains are eggplant, with gold fringe and CHS lettering. The lettering is an addition to the previous design. We hope you enjoy the improved . . .
Reading on the Hardwood
The Osage Co. R-I Library once served the purpose as the school gymnasium. The space was converted to the library once a new gymnasium was constructed in 1969. Hardwood floors that once provided the surface for . . .