Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan (SRCSP)
COVID-19 Procedure Update (11/25/2020) Plan update reflects guidance from the Osage County Health Department and applies to our students in Junior High/High School. Updated Plan Here . . .

Inclement Weather Information
Winter weather can cause many challenges for school operations. The district has the option to use various methods to mitigate such challenges. 1. Delayed or Late Start 2. Snow Routes/Hard Surface Only . . .
Inclement Weather Delayed Start Schedule
Winter weather, or other unforeseen events, can result in the district needing to implement a delayed start to the school day. Although we have not practiced delayed starts in the past, the district has developed a schedule . . .

Download the School App Now!!!
You can now download the Osage Co. R-I School App by visiting the Google Play Store or your iTunes Store. Simply Search Osage County R-I SD . Download the app to receive: . . .

Parent Survey - School Improvement
Please take a few moments to answer the following questions on the survey link below. We ask that you complete at least one survey, but you are welcome to complete one survey for each child you have in school. Your . . .