Upcoming High School Band Events
Performance Dates - Plan to attend ALL of these.
The following are some of the performance dates (required for all band students):
Chamois Day September 21 meet at school 9:30 am
CMU Band Day October 12 all day
Veteran’s Day Concert November 12 10 am
Christmas Program December 8 3 pm arrive at school by 2:40 pm
Play for Santa December 7 time early evening, TBA
Conference Band February 13 evening performance All day, more info later
Spring Program TBA
Graduation May
Pep Band Dates and Times
Alumni welcome. Contact Mrs. Sieg to let her know you are coming.
Band students wear this year's band shirt with school appropriate bottoms.
Be ready to play at arrival time.
Game time Arrival time
November 26 Richland BJV,BV 6:00 pm 5:40 pm
December 5 Lighthouse BJV 6:30 pm 6:00 pm
December 10 Wellsville-Middletown 6:00 pm 5:40 pm
January 3 Calvary Lutheran 6:00 pm 5:40 pm
January 7 Crocker BJV,BV 6:00 pm 5:40 pm
January 16 Christian Fellowship 6:00 pm 5:40 pm
January 31 Missouri Military Academy 6:00 pm 5:40 pm
BJV,BV Homecoming
February 4 New Haven BJV, BV 6:00 pm 5:40 pm